News / Articles
SPBC Newsletter -- 2023-12
Dave Zornow | Published on 12/1/2023
Upcoming Events
SPBC Holiday Party, Dec 3: The holiday season kicks off this Sunday at the annual SPBC Holiday Party! Registration is now closed for this event.
Bike/Ped Questions or Concerns? Ask The Mayor on Dec 5: St. Pete Mayor Kenneth T. Welch's "City Hall on tour" stops at CHILDS PARK RECREATION CENTER on Dec. 5 from 5:30-7:30p. It's an opportunity to meet the mayor and his staff and ask questions you may have about getting around in the City of St Petersburg on two feet or two wheels.
Each quarter, the mayor and members of his city Leadership team host “open house” tour stops at four different recreation facilities to listen to and learn from residents about their needs. The mayor will be joined by city administrators, the police chief, and department directors.
The CHILDS PARK RECREATION CENTER is located at 4301 13th Ave. S. in St Petersburg adjacent to the Pinellas Trail.
Christmas Lights Ride, Sat Dec 16 at 6p: Light up your bike and wear your fun holiday attire as we take in the holiday decorations in Old Northeast. Meet at North Shore Pool parking lot (901 North Shore Dr NE) and end at the Ale and the Witch for holiday cheer. Helmets are required for this event.
St Petersburg Black History Bike Tour, Saturday, Dec 9 from 9a-1p: This FREE, immersive bike tour takes participants to the actual locations where history began for St. Petersburg’s African American residents. Meet up at the Wellness Center, at the corner of 15th Ave. S. and 22nd St. S. The tour covers a 5-mile loop riding vigorously on level land. Registration is required to attend and a helmet is required to ride.
Winter 55+ Co-ed Coast to Coast Tour, St. Pete to Titusville, Jan 4-7, 2024: This 250 mile tour is organized by Bike Florida. $775 Registration Fee covers three hotel nights at double occupancy (single rooms are available for an extra fee during registration), SAG, insurance, support, staff, event jersey, maps, a daily happy hour, and transportation from Titusville back to St. Pete.
Tour de Florida, Jan 12-23, 2024: This 11-day event offers the opportunity to escape winter’s cold and enjoy the endless sun of southern Florida including the Keys, all while creating an opportunity to serve those in need of a decent place in which to live. Nine days of riding, typically 40-65 miles per day with two build days in communities along the way.
St. Augustine Lighthouse Tour, Jan 17-21, 2024: 176 Miles from Amelia Island to Cape Canaveral. $1650 Registration Fee covers four hotel nights at double occupancy (single rooms are available for an extra fee during registration), SAG, insurance, support, staff, maps, sub tours, and admission to lighthouses.
Tour De Cape Coral, Jan 21, 2024: Varied routes from 15, 30, 60, and 100 mile courses in the west and north sections of Cape Coral. The event provides a grab-and-go breakfast, lunch, on route rest stations with snacks and beverages, SAG vehicles, police support, and route maps.
Orange Belt Crit Rides the Edge District in St Petersburg

Photo Credit: Russ Drevitson
Good News for Saturday Morning Rides in 2024 and for Pinellas Cyclists...Tomorrow
by Gordon Brown
 Pinellas County's 2024 Pavement Preservation Program includes resurfacing for the pothole-plagued 83rd Ave N, Patica Rd NE and San
Martin Blvd from 4th St N to Gandy Blvd. The resurfacing will be applied to the current roadbed. Sharrows and Shared Use signage will be added.
New Bridge Over Rivera Bay Planned: The county's updated Capital Improvement Plan calls for replacement of the San Martin Bridge over Riviera Bay in 2026. The new bridge design will include 11’ travel lanes, 7’ buffered bike lanes, a 6’ sidewalk and a 12’ shared use path.
Courtney Campbell Causeway access overpass: Plans are in place to make it a lot easier to cross the Gulf To Bay Blvd to the Courtney Campbell Causeway. Construction to build a new pedestrian/ bicycle overpass to connect the Bayshore trail and the Courtney Campbell trail in eastern Pinellas County is planned for September 2024.
We're looking for volunteers to help produce this newsletter. If you can write, help to curate and post new cycling events, edit, or take photos, your HELP (is) WANTED! Write to communications@StPeteCycling.com to learn more.
2023 Volunteer of the Year
 Steve Gronemeyer was named SPBC's 2023 Volunteer of the Year at the annual Membership Appreciation Party in November. Among Steve's contributions to the club include being a regular ride caller on Saturday mornings and founder of the club's Facebook page. Additionally, he served on the SPBC board of directors.
 "Steve has consistently displayed a willingness to do whatever is asked
of him, often on short notice," said SPBC President John Sinibaldi. "He was heavily involved for years with the club’s Spring Classic ride, from leadership to hospitality to road marking and parking. Steve goes out of his way to call on his cycling friends that are sick, injured, needing help with physical therapy, or companionship," said Sinibaldi.
You can usually find Steve on Tuesdays leading the "3 bridges" ride from Seminole to Dunedin and the Sunday morning ride at the St Pete Main Library. "He is just an all-around good guy, and exemplifies what it means to be the Volunteer of the Year!” said Sinibaldi.
Forty-five club members were on hand at the Pinellas Ale Works on November 12 to see Steve receive a plaque and a gift card to The Bikery.
Photo Credit: Dan Loyd
Picture This!
Great rides with great friends deserve epic photography! Here are a few photos of recent club events and member rides. Want to help us capture the moment for future issues of the SPBC Newsletter? Write to communications@StPeteCycling.com to volunteer to take photos and curate future rides and events!
October Mural Tour With Kris Woodcock

Photo Credit: Sandy Weiss
The SPBC joined The Long Walk Home's Nov 11 Veteran’s Day Bike Ride, which supports veterans as they transition from military life to civilian life.

Photo Credit: Michael Ebert

Photo Credit: Russ Drevitson

Photo Credit: Peter Edward Wray
Board Business -- Highlights of Nov SPBC Board Meeting
Veteran's Day Ride Recap—11/11: John Sinibaldi reported it was a good event, well-staged with a great steak lunch. Attendance was close to 300.
VOY Party Recap—11/12: The party went well with good food and venue for the 45 attendees. There was a discussion about renaming the event as the Membership Appreciation Party, where we honor our Volunteer of the Year, to avoid confusion about the party only being for volunteers.
Holiday Party—12/3: The Bikery is underwriting the cost of appetizers for the party and Brian Harrington and John Roman will split the parking charge. Ally and John from Charlie's Champs have been invited to the party and will be presented a $500 donation.
Sanderlin School Ride: Club members are supporting this quarterly Bike To School event. It was suggested we donate helmets to the program.
Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Dec 9 at 12n.
Welcome New Members
Manuel Amor
Tanel Andry
Savni Bakrac
Randall N Bechtolt
John Bell
Anne Bramman
Ian Briggs
Nancie Coogan
John Davis
Tom De Weerdt
Colleen Dunne
Jerry Dunne
Robert Fradette
John Garrett
Jeffrey Hostetler
Scott Johni
Bruce Johnson
Thomas Lacey
Robert Leader
James Lewandowski
Max McCann
Dave Merchberger
Lauren Miller
Heide Nelson
Jeffrey Pearson
Lisa Plescia
Tom Prendergas
Michael Rideout
Brad Rosenheim
Anne Schroll
Todd Stansbury
Herman Tammeling
Christine Taylor
Angel Torres Colon
Joan Vandaveer
Debbie A Whalen
Jeff White |
The St. Petersburg Bicycle Club Board of Directors
John A Sinibaldi Jr, President
Mark Franchetti, Vice President
Kris Woodcock, Secretary
Daniel Bode, Treasurer
Rafael Rivera, Membership
Dave Zornow, Newsletter/Communications
John Byrd
Dave Joffe
Peter E Wray
Bruce Sobut, Webmaster
St. Petersburg Bicycle Club, Inc.
PO Box 76023
St. Petersburg, FL 33734
The St. Petersburg Bicycle Club, Inc. (SPBC) is a non-profit, social and recreational club that exists to promote safe, satisfying bicycling opportunities to both club members and the general public of all ages and skill levels, through planned activities and events.
© Copyright 2025 St. Petersburg Bicycle Club